What is SEO? – SEO simplified

What is SEO?

A Friendly Guide, What is seo and seo fundamentals. Like many other things that have to do with computers there is some mystery connected with the SEO. How it works SEO? The fact that many people will say different things and often contradict each other certainly does not help you understand this is the unknown SEO because these people can not say the truth if all star say things contradictory, do you think?

One of the biggest questions in the SEO functions to understand how it is that nobody knows exactly the way the search engines come to show us the results in a certain order and What and how SEO works ?. In truth, this does not matter much because we know what SEO experts are the main variables involved in this process. What I do not know what proportion is instead all these variables are used. This is a little ‘how to copy a recipe famous, even if we can not respond to the last ingredient in the right quantities can still get very close to the original.
When the search engine robots analyze your pages is like a photo of them and the stores so they can analyze it later.
Google and other search engines have thousands of billions of pages indexed. Due to the large computational job search engines have to process these pages in the background before adding them to the search results. For this to your site (with or without SEO) often bounce between pages of results before a permanent position somewhere.
To help the search engines to catalog the best possible pages of your website that you have to give him more clues about the content of your pages. In short, these clues are what is SEO. The algorithms of the search engine (and SEOs) know that certain elements of your pages are more important than others. Thus, similar to a newspaper or a magazine, the title is important. The page title is the title you see in blue with an underline in the results of search engines and is a very important tag for SEO. This must be relevant to the content of your web page – do not make the common mistake of using the name of your company as part of the title page, many users could not care less of this (you might try using your name if they wanted to). Use all available characters – you have about 60 to 65 which have fun – but remember that the title of the page must make sense for both a computer and for the people.

Next in order of importance to make the SEO to your advantage is the meta description tag. This is often ignored, especially programs for creating websites like WordPress. If you ignore at your own risk: is the block of text that appears immediately below the title of your page in search results. Think about how often you use the short description to decide on which search result click. Then imagine that potential visitors to your website will do the same to decide whether or not clicked, so the advice I can give the best to implement the SEO to your site is to work at the meta description tag to make it irresistible in the eyes of users ! This little article should help you understand how SEO works. Optimization for search engines is a science that lightning can be learned in 2 seconds. Certainly requires time and dedication, constant and consistent attention to detail and there are many other aspects that only those

What is SEO?

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This entry was published on March 29, 2013 at 1:10 PM and is filed under DIGITAL MARKETING, SEO. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “What is SEO? – SEO simplified

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